*something identified*
*something shows up through me for me, not to me or at me
*or something is presented externally – regardless of the type of presentation, solicited or otherwise
*accept responsibility*
*no longer required to: react, argue, prove anything, validate or be validated, be accepted or recognised, run away/towards anyone or anything, dismiss, exaggerate, condescend, over compensate, label, stigmatise, minimise or marginalise – bring it on, I got this *respectfully, within honour and integrity, and within Natural Laws
*what is it*
*integrate, develop and nurture the narrative of a Student, researcher, investigator, detective, and examiner
*sit with it, sit in it, lean into it
*objectively observe, intuit, and study – with the intention to learn – to become aware of ‘it’ – to learn what is required of me – how/where/when/why I am to facilitate, or be facilitated – learning that, I will facilitate, (co)create, pioneer, alchemise, manifest, or collaborate whatever required – for the highest and greatest good for that engagement/moment, regardless
*with mindful patience, compassion, ease and grace
*without attachment or expectation *without taking it personally, making it personal, over-(re)acting, or blaming
*without controlling,
micromanaging, dictating, interfering, projecting, perpetrating or haemorrhaging Life Force
*acknowledging and applying the awarenesses of free freewill and Natural Laws
*consistently discharging diligently, the duties and responsibilities with and throughout all aspects of Self-sovereignty/Self-governance
*consciously assessing where the: lesson, contract, medicine, antidote, solution, remedy, (re)direction, loop, pattern, habit, cycle, excuses, blind-spot, perpetration, infection, Light, etc., are – what ‘they’ require, and what I require to appropriately engage ‘them’ – so I’ll never
have to return to ‘them/it’
*appreciating: our anaesthetised States, colonisation, dis-ease, polarity, engineering, hybridisation, manipulation, separation, division, distractions – how/where/when/why ‘it’ shows up – ‘its’ impact, and consequences – how to Hold Space when ‘it’ shows up, is presented or mirrored – how to engage ‘it’ without disrespecting, compromising or alienating anyone or anything, anywhere
*respecting not accepting
*being a Student and not a judge, jury, executioner, punisher or disloyal hypocrite *actively prioritising the wellbeing of my alignment, before any external engagement
*taking responsibility*
*transmute, alchemise, heal, transform, transition, reframe, develop and evolve ‘it’ *fertilise, nurture and cultivate ‘it’
*commune, dialogue, communicate and reason with ‘it’ – work together with ‘it’ as a team, to raise the vibration of the lesson or experience
*actively and mindfully unpacking and detangling the (c) Shades Of Oneness old, whilst integrating and applying the new
*being grateful for the old narrative and everything it bore – because it got me here and now – and intently building from the old into the new narrative
*appreciating that I did not know that I did not know that I did not know
*gentleness with mySelf and others, as we journey into clearer clarity and authenticity
*it could be a under/undeveloped, under/unattended, neglected, abandoned, forsaken, ambiguous, hidden, or infected, aspect of me – and I’m awesome – so ‘it’ is awesome as well – it’s just that the awesomeness requires immediate and thorough reframing, nurturing and development
*mindfully, actively and consistently being my own loyal cheerleader, guide, teacher and Student
*minding my business and staying in my lane*
*not allowing anything that isn’t mine, and that isn’t HIGH vibrating, into my mouth, States, spaces, fields or bodies
*not taking ownership of anything that isn’t mine
*when I first came here on Earth, I met the varying aspects of dis-ease, polarity, manipulation, engineering, infection, discordance, depravity, distractions, seperstion and division here – I’m no longer reacting to it, or taking ownership of anymore of it – or contributing to it anymore – or making it mine in anyway anymore – or bring it over on my beautiful side of my amazing fence anymore *mindfully keep it moving upwards and onwards, a work in progress, next…
perspective, choice, free freewill…