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EVERYTHING is ‘up in the air’ at the moment, in the moment, and in moments to come, it’s supposed to be so, and it is likely to intensify – are you aware of this awareness, can are you doing beautiful about this knowledge/clarity/awareness/irrefutability, why…

are you: complaining, being a victim,  in lack, being emotional, reacting, controlling, micromanaging, manipulating, deceiving, bullying, condescending, shaming, hating, ridiculing, upsetting, rejecting, obsessing, rushing, running away, running towards, projecting, imposing, interfering, moaning, groaning, whining, bitching, slagging, untowardly spell casting, frustrated, stressing, worrying, nervous, anxious, doubtful, uncertain, depressed, addicted, hungry, being lazy, making excuses, judging, punishing, attaching, expecting, confused, in pain/hurting, exhausted, repeating the old, haemorrhaging your Life Force, awesome, pioneering the new – are these ‘things’ being identified, experienced, showing up, being presented, being perpetrated, being triggered/provoked/stimulated, empowering you – is this authentic you, or, some sort of: programming, conditioning, indoctrination, trickery, illusion, inversion, perversion, subversion, diversion, conversion, contortion, hijacking, dilution, division, separation – where is ‘it’ coming from, why, what can you do beautiful about it…

can anyone really do you anything, can you be perpetrated against, are you a victim, are you prisoner, or is someone communicating or expressing where their infection, dis-ease, trauma, drama, confusion, unattended bits and bobs – where and how it lies, how it manifests, how and where it shows up – where is this coming from, why, what can you do beautiful about it…

are you Light, can Light be broken, damage or destroyed – are you gifted and inherited Light from the Almighty Creator – should you engage your inalienable rights unwaveringly, unapologetically, unadulteratedly – with and within honour and integrity – with patience and compassion, with ease and grace – openminded, open-heartedly, objectively – what are you doing beautiful about that knowledge, clarity, awareness, irrefutability; why…

who is in control: the inevitable and inescapable that’s going to continue to play out and run its course – someone or something external to you, you – where is this coming from, why, what can you do beautiful about it…

you have to trust, could’ve trusted, you’re going to, you should trust, you would trust,  you trust – who and/or what do you trust – where is that coming from, why, what can you do beautiful about it…

is it intelligent, constructive, healthy, progressive or wise, to reason or engage with someone drunk on: infection, lost, engrained and systematic separation and division, engineered confusion, polarised darkness – where is that coming from, why, what can you do beautiful about it…

is it any of your amazing business to: ‘be’, keep you alone in your lane, ‘be’ on your beautiful side of your awesome fence alone regardless – mindfully and intently hold Space, Light and the line for Self first –  consciously and actively keep it moving upwards and onwards – objectively, and without judgement, punishment, attachment, expectation – without  untowardly spell-casting on anyone’s bits and bobs – where is ‘this’ coming from, why, what can you do beautiful about it – perspective, choice, free freewill…