we create our realities by the choice of words/spells we choose with our free freewill …
cymatics – the vibration, frequency, resonance of words/spells, this is what Nature and our Spirit Teams actions/acts on – they are commandments from us, as we are Creators – we are gifted and inherited Creatorship from the Almighty Creator, among other irrefutable and inalienable rights, which are inshrined in freewill and supported by Universal Laws, Cosmic Laws and Natural Laws – which we all have a duty and responsibility to avail ourSelves to, or not – there are consequences to everything – we are the bearer of the consequences of our intentions, thoughts, words/spells, tone, content, consistency, actions, inaction, etc. – free freewill, victim/slave or student/Sovereign/Creator – perspective is based on how much Shadow Work we have and are yet to attend to…
regardless of our resonance, awareness and intentions, we project our words/spells out into the Multiverse, which creates or curses, like energy attracts – ‘which goes around and boomerangs back at us with added speed and mass’: sins/karma/cosmic returns or Natural Laws – this is the energies we been sitting on/within – year after year, day after day, experience after experience, moment after moment, conversation after conversation, word/spell after word/spell: spewing the same words/spells repeatedly – which comes back to us as per Natural Laws – the vibrations, frequencies, energies and energetics of all the words/spells are festering within our aura/bio fields/electromagnetic fields, spaces, places, thoughts, experiences, etc. – we are the ones that’s been helping and hindering ourSelves, (apart from the old war and its agendas and ramifications) – we are responsible for all the ease and dis-ease in our spaces, places, lives, communities, world, etc. – we weren’t aware, we did not know that we did not know, we were engineered to be separated and divided from these awarenesses, to keep us controllable – we were programmed, conditioned and indoctrinated; under trickery and illusions, generationally, ingrained and systematically, to be victims, slaves, chattel, livestock, commodity, lost, confused, incapable, in lack, polarised, etc. – what we allow out of and into our mouths, thoughts and spaces sets the tone for our lives, experiences, processes, etc., perspective, perspective, perspective – continue to enjoy engaging your free freewill more responsibly and healthier please, namaste, be more :))