we alone are responsible for EVERYTHING on our side of our fence – what we project and reverberate out into the Multiverse – its impact – its consequences – irrefutable and inescapable, regardless
what, how, where and why anyone is engaging anything is none of our business, our business is awesomeness
what, how, where and why anyone is engaging anything is appropriate, as it’s their engagement of their freewill, which they are entitled to, which is gifted and inherited by the Almighty Creator, and inshrined in Natural Laws
it’s our duty and responsibility to NOT be judge, jury, executioner or punisher
it’s our duty and responsibility to NOT: react to it, feed it our Life Force, or haemorrhage our Life Force as a result of it – NOT to give it our attention, presence, essence, consent, power, authority, or autonomy, that’s a choice now, that’s on us
it’s our duty and responsibility to NOT take ownership of it, NOT to take it personally or make it personal
it’s our duty and responsibility to NOT bring it, or allow anything into our lane or space that isn’t authentically and naturally ours
it’s our duty and responsibility to mind our business and stay in our lane, and carry-on upwards and onwards with the mindful wellbeing of our awesomeness and space
it’s our duty and responsibility to reframe how we identify, perceive, frame, navigate, assess, access, process, integrate, apply and develop stuff
it’s our duty and responsibility to reframe ‘stuff’ into lessons – exploit everything as a lesson – mindfully transition, transmute, alchemise, and reframe everything into lessons, or some sort of nutrition, medicine, antidote, remedy, solution, redirection, or awesomeness
it’s our duty and responsibility to detangle and unpack the slave, victim and lack narratives, mindsets, programming, conditioning, indoctrination, etc. – as it’s on our side of our fence, as we’re Creators, Self-sovereigns, and alchemists, amongst other awesomenesses
it’s our duty and responsibility to NOT react, resist, deflect, project, be dissonant, make an excuse, procrastinate, be lazy, etc.
it’s our duty and responsibility to take responsibility NOW, regardless, as we somehow, somewhere contributed to whatever is in our face or space – it’s in our face or space now because we somehow contracted to it, or, created, co-created, manifested, or vibrationally attracted it
it’s our duty and responsibility to NOT give our authority, consent, power, authority and autonomy away – regardless to whatever shows up through us, or is externally presented or projected to or at us – “the tail doesn’t way the dog”, we are the (Student) Creator, we are charged with authority, consent, freewill, responsibility, accountability, and autonomy – we dictate, we’re NOT dictated to, we NOOO longer acquiesce or capitulate, regardless, (work in progress)
when something occurs, the priority ought to be why is this occurring, where’s the root of it, what can be learnt here, what can be done beautifully – NOT that something is occurring, react, label, judge, punish and execute
as our planetary, multidimensional, multifaceted, Spiritual purge and detox continues to intensify, as our liberation and restoration processes accelerates – unattended, neglected, abandoned, obscured, underdeveloped, undeveloped, forsaken, subconscious, unconscious, and not yet known, dis-easing bits and bobs will continue to ‘surface’ – mind your business stay in your lane, mindfully take responsibility and compassionately action yours alone, now…
it’s our business alone, to be authentic, real, true, loyal, cheerleading, consistent, active, patient, compassionate, gentle, healthy, constructive, progressive and proactive with everything that shows up through us – ‘it’ shows up through us for us, NOT to us or at us – it usually shows up through us or is presented when we’re ready – now, regardless of resonance, awareness or readiness, here it is – take immediate, thorough and consistent responsibility now, reframe it mirroring the irrefutable and infinity beautiful Light within, next…
this is how the vibration raises, this is how energy shifts higher, this is how things upgrade, this is how Self-responsibility is engaged – when we mindfully choose to take responsibility for EVERYTHING, and integrate and embody being the: solution, remedy, antidote, medicine, cure, help, resolution, and reconciliation that we naturally, authentically and Devinely are
open up and avail ourSelves to: seek, explore, experiment, be healthily curious, identify, learn, remember, access, navigate, assess, process, apply, and consistently action the new, authentic and high vibrating awarenesses – consistently within honour and integrity, and within Natural Laws – unwaveringly, unadulteratedly and unapologetically
ANYTHING outside these awarenesses perpetuates and perpetuates the old, end of
perspective, choice, free freewill…