taking responsibility for EVERYTHING first, and now
being present with the duties, responsibilities, and wellbeing of everything on our side of our fence
being present and consistently active
with our awarenesses,
its immediate and thorough
reframing, upgrading, expansion, development and evolution
being present with minding our own business and staying only in own lane
being present in the PRESENT
being present with our ATTENTION
(intentions, thoughts, words/spells/commandments, tone, content, consistency, actions, reactions, inactions, its origin, and overall wellbeing)
(its intended and likely impact, and consequences of its impact)
being present in and with our ATTENTION+ in the PRESENT
being aware, mindful, present and active with where we allow our attention, and Life Force, as its infinite and powerful ENERGY will create, co-create, expand, grow, and feed whatever we allow it to engage, regardless of awareness, receptivity, capacity, or resonance
being actively present with transmuting, alchemising, transitioning, transforming, upgrading, reframing, nurturing, nourishing, cultivating, incorporating, integrating, and developing both the outgoing ascending old, and incoming descending new
being present with reacting, detangling, unpacking, compartmentalising, de-compartmentalising, restructuring, and reframing everything, regardless, into a lesson, something nutritious, nourishing, developmental, and more high vibrating
being aware and present with the irrefutable fact that more than most of what we know or think we know, was imposed, projected, dictated and imprinted onto us – hence, we require engaging EVERYTHING differently, from and with a higher vibrating and broader perspective
being aware that TRIGGERS are treasures, as they illuminate an area or aspect of Self that was, neglected, abandoned, forsaken, underdeveloped, undeveloped, unseen, unknown, obscured, ignored, where we made excuses, and procrastinated -empowering us with an opportunity to take immediate and thorough responsibility, to do something beautiful and high vibrating with, to upgrade our authenticity
being consistently aware, present, and active with grounding, Earthing and anchoring into our physical body, Light, authenticity, truth, natural States, and Devine flow; and energetically into Earth
being actively aware, present and mindful of what we allow into and out of our: mouths, thoughts, minds, States, fields, consciousness, bodies, spaces, environment and communities
objectively, mindfully, unconditionally, intuitively, and actively –
observing, navigating, assessing, seeking, accessing, (re)prioritising, processing, introspecting, sitting with, sitting in, leaning into, studying, learning, remembering, first, before any sort of engagement
being aware of engaging only if it serves a higher and greater good, if it brings ease, or some form of medicine, antidote, remedy, solution or clear clarity
being aware of the intended recipient, their current conscious State, the language where they at, and connecting with them where there at – upon request, respecting and honouring freewill
being aware of intuiting, and listening with our energetic heart first, before any sort of engagement
being consistently aware of mindfully creating space to go within Self first, before any sort of external engagement, regardless
being mindfully present with potentially inflicting further, unnecessary, ignorant or unseen dis-ease to the collective psyche –
perpetrating or perpetuating further separation, division, distraction, dissonance, distortion, discordance and interference away from natural, authentic and Devine alignment, identifying, learning, remembering, integrating, wellbeing, and development
without being judge, jury, executioner, punisher, chastiser, labeller, stigmatiser, (re)traumatiser, finger pointer, blaming, shaming, condescending, should’ve, could’ve, or would’ve
without attaching, expecting, controlling, micromanaging, dictating, imposing, projecting or parroting
shining our Light, passionately and creatively pioneer, unwaveringly, unapologetically, unadulteratedly
being actively aware of facilitating or being facilitated
without attachment or expectation, unconditionally,
with patience, compassion, ease and Grace
being confidently responsible, constructive, healthy and present with our intercourses, facilitations, services, support, guidance, directions, redirections, requirements, preferences, resonances, frequencies, bandwidth, wavelength, and vibrations
being present, mindful, consistent, compassionate, and actively gently with the wellbeing, reframing, expansion, and development of our different, bodies, fields, States, layers, levels, dimensions, densities, timelines, realities, spaces, places, points, locations, past, present and future
being active, mindful and consistent with NOT compromising, alienating or disrespecting anything, anyone anywhere – or bearing harm, loss or dis-ease to anyone or anything, anywhere
being actively aware to NOT run towards or from anything anymore, or taking ownership of something that isn’t naturally or authentically ours – however, enjoy upgrading by taking responsibility and mindfully reframing
mindfully, respectfully, and confidently engage, authoritatively –
(after intuitively assessing)
objectively, openmindedly and unconditionally facilitate –
(in the present PRESENT, current moment, and now dynamic)
compassionately disengage –
(from the expired/old moment, facilitations and dynamic – actively and mindfully returning to being present in the PRESENT with our natural authenticity, without any external engagement whatsoever)
intently (re)align to our authenticity, current and present PRESENT –
(to best facilitate the current, new PRESENT, new dynamic, and now (new) moment – whilst mindfully leaving the old where it is, and NOT allow it to potentially leak into and contaminate the new PRESENT, moment, facilitation, and dynamic)
upwards and onwards to the next –
(having learnt and integrated the newness of the last moment, facilitation, and dynamic)
repeat –
(applying only the new, leaving the old where it is)
(with a continuously upwards spiral, mindfully maintaining, nurturing and cultivating high vibrations, throughout, and regardless; consistently raising the vibrations as we flow and consciously surf the Cosmic waves)
we now know that we did not know that we did not know that we did not know, that we were indoctrinated, programmed and conditioned, under devised engineering, manipulation, polarity, trickery, illusions, etc. –
we’re taking responsibility now and mindfully actioning something beautiful, to mirror our internal, natural, authentic, infinite, irrefutable, unique, incomparable, and Devine awesomesauce BEAUTY
being actively present with the awareness of and with our ATTENTION+ in the PRESENT
actioning the present PRESENT with our ATTENTION+
being aware, mindful, active, present and consistent with and of, maintaining, nurturing, nourishing, cultivating, transmuting, alchemising, transitioning, transforming, reframing, expanding, integrating, developing, and evolving, objectively, openmindedly, openhearted, unconditionally, and compassionately
being actively PRESENT with processes, processing, accessing, assessing, navigating, what’s showing up through us for us, and what’s being presented externally
their impact, and the consequences of their impact,
others as they navigate their individual transition, and express themSelves based on where they at
mindfully regarding our duties and responsibilities to Hold Space, regardless, for ourSelves first, our current facilitations and processes, anything and anyone involved, and any requirements or request
“beauty is in the eyes of the beholder”
we will only identify, see, hear, taste, smell, engage, behave, act, intuit, sense, translate, interpret, decode, decipher, comprehend, innerstand and overstand, as per our current, individual, unique, and respective conscious State
as per attended and unattended Shadow Work, intuitive reframing, personal and ‘professional’ development, impulse control, behavioural development, and Spiritual and energetic development and evolution
as per not mindfully or consistently purging and detoxing, biologically,
which is immediately and thoroughly required now
as a result of bioengineering, geo-engineering, splitting, paring, manipulation and experimentation of and with our genes (among other aspects and States of us); along with most other aspects of our wellbeing, nutritional lifestyles, etc., etc., etc. – generationally, multidimensionally, ingrained, systematically, etc.
as per where we at on the ‘spectrum’
as per our ignorant, unidentified, not yet acknowledged, anaesthetised States, under/undiagnosed PTSD, compounded traumas, unnoticed re-traumatising, and unnoticed/under/undiagnosed ‘mental health’ ‘issues’
as per exhausted of being exhausted, and frustrated of being frustrated albeit through manufactured consent, which we’re now aware of, availing ourSelves to, taking responsibility for immediately and thoroughly, and mindfully actioning beautifully – work in progress, upwards and onwards…
we now know that we did not know that we did not know that we did not know, that we were engineered, manipulated, indoctrinated, programmed and conditioned, under trickery and illusions
which was divisively ingrained, imposed, imprinted, dictated, projected and injected generationally, systematically and across all spectrums
authentic authenticity is no longer illusive, it’s a known and accessible awareness now, it’s a choice now, it’s within, it’s clearer and easier now, it’s awesomesauceness…
higher vibrating choices results in higher vibrations results and experiences…
perspective, choice, free freewill…