consent *2.0*
with gratitude, my free freewill and Self-sovereignty:
I officially and formally consent to, give consent to, give power to, give authority to, give autonomy to, and I authorise you to work closer and clearer, and more directly and firmly with me and through me now, for me, and for us now Spirit/Ancestral teams
I decree this and I declare this now
I consent to this and I accept this now
I welcome this and I receive this now
I submit this and I surrender to this now
I demand this and I command this now
I beseech this and I request this now
I expect this now
for the highest and greatest good now
with ease and grace
so be it and so it is.
* * *
the intention here is to give consent to our Spirit/Ancestral teams to work with/through us – as per Natural Laws (different from maritime/admiralty laws which we no longer allow to enslave us) they won’t breach/compromise freewill – unless we are immediately destroying ourSelves, they won’t intervene in our lives/process/journey – they act on our commandments/consent/requested/behest as we are Creators: we are gifted and inherited our Creatorship from the Almighty Creator (we are made in the image and likeness) – we require their help which is accessed with consent via commandments/request – we ought to be walking on two feet in this incarnation/life: one foot in the physical and the other in the Spiritual/metaphysical/esoteric, not dragging on one foot in the physical – nothing is done without our consent/permission/authorisation, as we choose to Self-develop we engage our consent and free freewill more healthily and responsibly – we are/were bred/engineered/programmed/conditioned/indoctrinated, under trickery and illusions, generationally, ingrained and systematically, to be slaves, victims, commodity, livestock, chattel, lost, confused, distracted, disconnected, disoriented, separated and divided from our natural/authentic/Devine alignment, wellbeing, clarity, powers, abundance, prosperity, etc., etc., etc. – hence, ignorance/polarity/dis-ease/confusion/acquiescing has been normalised – we haven’t been thinking for ourSelves, we been parroting what’s been normalised, we haven’t been objective or openminded – we’ve been repeating separation and division, we haven’t been asking questions and patiently and compassionately listening with our hearts for the answers, we’ve been rushing about like headless livestock, tearing down ourSelves/families/tribes/communities, like raging bulls in a glass house, we’ve been perpetuating the perpetrations that been perpetrated into us, ignorantly – we really haven’t been intuitively, critically, objectively or independent thinking, researching, investigating, processing or navigating (for ourSelves) – we’ve been slaves, in victimhood, lack, depravity, disfunction, trauma, drama, PTSD, fractured, fragmented, diluted, disassociated and wounded for sooo long, that we ignorantly can’t function without disfunction or with authentic truth/clarity – leave alone the effects and affects of bio/geo:engineering – we are indirectly and directly responsible for all that because it’s us who chose this life/contract/lesson, because we’ve been active and passive with bits and bobs – it’s happening on our side of our fence, and only awesome us are on our amazing side of our beautiful fence, which we got a duty and responsibility to/with – there’s no right or wrong, or good or bad: freewill dictates inalienable entitlement to any choice at any point – when we choose to Self-develop, we will appreciate the differences with respecting and not particularly accepted, with not taking ownership of something that isn’t naturally/authentically ours, and with validating and appropriately actioning our Light, awesomeness, infection and dis-ease – it’s on us to learn from our individual choices and experiences, learn from its results and consequences, integrate the (new/repeated) lessons and clarity, and apply it to/in the now moment/present, thereby experiencing a higher vibrating experience – we can choose to continue acquiescing, parroting, ignorantly/arrogantly defending what was imposed/imprinted/dictated/projected onto us, continue with disassociation and cognative dissonance, or we can choose to mindfully unlearn/unpack/detangle from the old, take/accept/action responsibility and transmute/alchemise/reframe, and actively go within Self and intuit authenticity for and with ourSelves – perspective, choice, free freewill…
Light and bliss, namaste, be more 🙏🏽💜☺️